Monday, July 19, 2021

40 Words for 40 Days: Day 1

 Why hello there!

    It’s a delight to think of you today, my people, here in this space. As we navigate these choppy waters in America, clinging to the edge of what feels like a very flimsy boat, I invite you to trust—not in the boat, but in Jesus. He calls us out into the storm, not to drown, but to walk, poised and unafriad, upon the tumultuous waters of this life. With our eyes fixed on him, there’s no better place to be, than following his lead.

    For these next 40 days, I’m fasting from my favorite foods and praying for mercy over our land. Will you join me? I asked the Lord to help me make a list of 40 words of encouragement, one per day, to settle into as we pray.

    BELOVED is today’s word. You and I, created in God’s image, are beloved.
God’s love inside us is deeper than anything man can do to us. Believe this. No matter who we are or the difficulties we now face, we are beloved! From the soles of our feet to the dreams in our heads, we are beloved. Our true identity rests in this.

    And in the very center of the word BELOVED stands an O, a circle. If we picture ourselves forming that circle by taking the hand of someone to our right and another to our left, just think of the huge circle of connection we’d make! As we pray for guidance and unity in America, for ourselves and our precious global community, we can honor our brothers and sisters, even if we disagree. Let’s hold that thought before us as we listen and speak to one another in these unique days. Pray that we will see each other in the light of belovedness.

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