Friday, December 24, 2021


I have this theory about icebergs. I think the most difficult things we face in life appear as brutally sharp and hard as packed ice and often it seems we can barely hold our footing or keep from slipping into disaster. We usually find a way to hang on, or someone lovingly grabs ahold of us and we hold tight, but we feel exposed to danger and life feels harsh. The setting of such struggles makes us feel as if we are desolate and forgotten by the Almighty, if there even is one. But if we really had eyes to see in a spiritual/eternal perspective, I believe we would see the tremendous amount of darkness from which we are spared. It is that from which we are saved that is the vastness of the mountain under the water, and the water is indeed, Living Water, protecting us from the biggest portion of pain and despair. If we saw the angels and the demons and the warring, perhaps we would see the way over which we are fought and loved for the eternal long-haul! And if there were no hardship to experience, would we know the fragility of our lives? Would we know to hold onto that which is stronger than the ground on which we stand and the things we see before us? If we saw no need, we would not know our need of the one who loves us most.

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