Monday, November 22, 2021

Spilling Out

Good Morning!  

    Jim Fleming is a gifted pastor and kind friend, from Memphis. He once said, and I paraphrase, 'People are like the drinks served on a tray by a waiter, when jostled, the contents always spill out.' And so I must remember, that the junk that is 'hidden' will eventually spill out. Wouldn't I rather be rid of it myself, before the yuck in me, pours over to stain you? There is only one way to do this, it is to surrender the junk to the Lord, and then ask for Him to replace it with His goodness. It reminds me of my foolish irritation one night many years ago when Dennis received a typical call at around 3am. I asked him, "Why do you always sound like you've been waiting for the call? You don't even sound tired, but I know you're exhausted!" "Well," he replied, "I guess I have been waiting." It is this way with God, the 'cleaning out and filling up' as the Littles say when we pray, are requests made to the Waiting God, who loves us with eternal love that can handle every hard thing and make our lives brand new!

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