Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Houston Summer #1

Written 6/21/22

“Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare.” Psalm 40:5

    ‘Divide and Conquer’ is no longer our catch phrase! When work called Dennis to Methodist Hospital in Houston for the summer, he said, “I can’t go without you!” 
And I answered, “No you can’t!”
    With the help and blessing of our whole crew, dear friends and my mom, home in Idaho, we are enjoying all the dates we’ve never had in thirty years of marriage here! While Dennis heals hearts by day, I thought I might write my sequel. Instead, I’m savoring our own fresh real-life chapters. I walk for hours filling my tank with praise music and prayer, smiling at every passerby that lifts their eyes to me, beholding God’s creation and enjoying the tiniest details as well as the grandest structures of this magnificent city. Daily I meet someone new, and am honored to catch a glimpse of their incredible life. The people. That’s what’s truly exquisite about this place! Will you join me on my walks sometimes when I have something to share? I’d love to show you what I see! I’m capturing every moment of this life sabbatical and precious time cultivating our sacred marriage. Receive. That’s our word. We’re receiving the grace of this gift, from our people and our good, good Father! And there’s no place on earth we’d rather be than here right now together!

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Quiet Corners

If I peer into the quiet corners of my daily life I see real things that my fictional characters have welcomed into their world. You may think it’s my imagination so I can do as I please, but oddly, this isn’t the case. In Stratford I must step lightly because I am their guest.

    On page 5 of The Color of God Lillian’s furry companion makes his entrance:

    “The familiar creak of the last step alerted Mr. Blue Suede Shoes, Lillian’s Himalayan cat, to his mistress’ arrival. He stretched, then rubbed his chin against Lillian’s leg. ‘You missed breakfast on the fire escape!’ Lillian scolded, but her speech died on her lips.”

    In this photo, our female kitty, Damascus, makes her appearance beside my 1850 Parisian urn with a broken handle. Out of the blue this magnificent antique pushed its way into a scene on page 100 where Jesse’s passionate emotions get the best of her. When Lillian asks her what she’s doing and Jesse yells, “My job!” with the intent of hosing off people she doesn’t like the scene turns:

    “Lillian grabbed at the urn. ‘You’ll do no such thing; calm down!’
The fragile handle of the antique broke off in Lillian’s hand. Jesse stopped her tirade and stared at the handle. She wilted as she spoke through her own lament. ‘Oh, Lillian… I’m such a maniac. I’m so sorry.’”

    It’s my own delight in furry creatures that love us unconditionally that inspires me to make room for animals in my writing. And, as far as broken things go, life isn’t always kind, but God is our healer. In his tender hands, our broken lives, are made whole.