Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I am

Here I am, this strange little person, sitting in the corner of the couch. If a star were to gaze down at the earth, I would be too small to be seen. But I see the stars, their magnificent presence grounds me. I feel tiny, I am only this. I am no more, no less, neither grand nor unnecessary. My Father said of His name, "I am". So when I wonder who this person I live as, happens to be; I realize in humble confidence that I am the child of The I am.


  1. Can you think of any other instance where you could use the word "AM." As far as I can tell the two words "I" and "AM" always go together and are descriptive of the truth.
    I am Going....
    I Am not....
    For God to call himself "I am" means that He is not only naming Himself but also describing Himself. When we look into our hearts we can only describe ourselves with a sentence beginning, "I am". The same with naming ourselves and the same with describing our intentions, our feelings, our physical state and so on and so on.
    I have often pondered this verse and I come to the conclusion that for me, God is. So am I.
    You should have a look at my post "Big God, Big Universe" Considering how you feel right now, you will appreciate it, I'm sure.
    Lord please bless this family, all of them. Geoff.
